Fun & Creativity
Infant - explore colors, shapes, and textures
Toddler - investigate the world through senses; begin to use art materials; explore textures and colors
Preschool - explore clay, paint, watercolors, crayons, and other art materials to express ideas and creativity; use art as a form of communication
Pre K -communicate ideas visually; explore art books/artists; use a variety of mediums and tools
Infant - experiment with sounds; move in response to music and rhythm
Toddler - listen and respond to a variety of music
Preschool - learn complex dances; understand rhythms/patterns in music
Pre K - Learns songs and performs concerts
Infant - participate in routines and rhythms that promote peaceful experiences; listen to music; move bodies for strong development
Toddler & Preschool - participate in movement, mindfulness, and fitness activities
Pre K - yoga, mindfulness, and physical activity
Infant - tune into voices; show interest in stories; listen and respond
Toddler - tune into voices; listen/respond to simple instructions; communicate desires
Preschool - engage in conversation; participate in rhyme games; retell stories
Pre K - ask questions; expand vocabulary; and participate in back-and-forth discussions
Infant - explore quantity concepts like “one” or “more” or “less;” spatial relations, e.g., over, under, and through
Toddler - begin to understand one-to-one correspondence, counting
Preschool - Sort and count items; explore one-to-one correspondence; estimate
Pre K - solve simple number problems; distinguish patterns; count objects; and make sets
Outside Play
Infant - participates in separate play area specifically for infants.
Toddler - explore natural materials, gardens, plants, and playground.
Preschool & Pre K - Outside play access everyday